Tanah Masa Subdistrict in Figures 2016 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Selatan Regency

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Tanah Masa Subdistrict in Figures 2016

Catalog Number : 11020011214
Publication Number : 12140.1636
ISSN/ISBN : 9786026345233
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 29, 2016
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Tanah Masa in Figures 2016 is an annual series that provides statistical facts up to year 2015. All the statistical data that were collected from various sources either through census, survey or compilation of administration products, reflect information on geographical area, government, population, man power, social, agriculture, manufacturing, trade, transportation, communication, finance, prices and regional income. With information as such, we wish that planners, decision makers, researchers, academicians, and others could utilize this publication as good source for providing statistical data that are factual, valid and reliable.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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