Economy of Nias Selatan Regency in 2022 Increases by 3.08 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Nias Selatan Regency

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Economy of Nias Selatan Regency in 2022 Increases by 3.08 Percent

Release Date : January 26, 2024
File Size : 0.72 MB


    The economy of Nias Selatan in 2022 increased by 3.08 percent. Experiencing a better increase compared to 2021 which increased by 2.02 percent.
  • Based on the business field production approach, the highest growth was achieved by two business fields, namely information and communication and provision of accommodation and food at 6.88 percent, followed by the transportation and warehousing business field at 5.22 percent, and the wholesale and retail trade; repair of cars and motorcycles at 5.08 percent.
  • The three business fields that played a dominant role in the GRDP of Nias Selatan Regency by business field in 2022 were: agriculture, forestry and fisheries at 45.16 percent; construction at 14.57 percent; and wholesale and retail trade; repair of cars and motorcycles at 9.01 percent.
  • When viewed from the expenditure approach, growth for the inventory change component was 6.86 percent, followed by 6.85 percent for PMTB and 6.74 percent for the export component. Meanwhile, the government consumption component contracted by 0.25 percent.
  • Based on the expenditure side, the household consumption expenditure (PKRT) component contributed the most at 79.15 percent; followed by the import component at 64 per ent; and the export component at 26.05 percent.
  • Nominally, the GRDP of Nias Selatan Regency in 2022 based on current prices reached Rp 8,014.50 billion and the GRDP of Nias Selatan Regency in 2022 based on constant prices reached Rp 4,466.09 billion.
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